Hello dear friends and audio game players!
Only 4 days left to launch (31st January) and we bring you good news!
We have decided to give Episode 1 of GoldGun completely for free, so all of you can enjoy and get a feeling of what is coming next. The game (read below Disclaimer) can be played on 97 % of working iOS and Android mobile devices, and will be available on App Store and Google Play. If you can't find it there, look for the direct link on our website https://www.mytruesound.com/games which will appear once the game is on the stores.
Because the game is free, we hope to reach the 10000 downloads goal. This is necessary to show the game industry and some few investors that there is really huge potential for audio games. Whether you like the game or not, we need to reach that goal so we are able to address to them that there are millions of people wishing to play audio games.
For more info about the game, read our Press Kit at https://www.mytruesound.com/presskit We appreciate you share this info in your social network and to your friends.
Disclaimer: 1) We are facing some issues with Apple Store we are trying to solve at the moment. Somebody there basically seems not to understand why an audio game doesn't require visuals, or why the menu is so minimalist. We hope this doesn't affect launch date, but everything now seems too bureaucratic. Launch on Google Play seems to be problem-free.
2) This is the first episode of the GoldGun game, which is scheduled to be composed of 6 more episodes. Each episode will be better and longer than the previous, and have more playable content. Due to the complexity of this type of game, you should expect next episode to appear within two months. However, we appreciate if you play this one already, so we can reach the 10000 downloads goal.
3) This first episode worked for us as a pilot project. It is a bit short (compared to the future ones) with about 35 minutes game play. Pilot project means that it helped us to understand better the technology we use, and to make different tests. That being said, we believe the quality of many of its parts are not yet where we want them to be. We believe you all deserve better. We will work hard to improve quality of audio already in the next episode. We appreciate You are not very hard with us, and provide us with some time to improve those issues.
4) Next episode has been already written, and the story improves pretty well. As many of you know, the main character of the game, Soren, suffered an accident which turned him blind. There is a reason on the game script to why the police department thinks he might be able to destroy the GoldGun, but few beta testers appointed that blindness is a topic which should be avoided on audio games. We understand their point and blindness as a topic to talk on our game will not be appearing at all on the future episodes. We hope you all understand we are trying to constantly improve.
If you read until here, then you know most of what we wanted to tell you.
Thanks a lot for liking, sharing and following.
Best regards The team of myTrueSound working on this game Mikko Herranen, David Oliva, Jussi Elsilä, Shane Wirkes, Joshua Kennedy, Maksim Pokrovskii