Looking for Beta-testers for AudioWizards-Multiplayer
AudioWizards Multiplayer moves forward
First shoots from KILTA revealed
Pitching at Global Games Pitch
AudioWizards on SALE!!! 60 % OFF
Top 10 of Hottest StartUps from Finland - December list. Not bad!!
AVEK supporting us again! A step closer to the AudioWizards-Multiplayer
Promoted in the NFB. What a honor!
AudioWizards 1.1.0 update, sale, & other news!
New AW version/update 1.0.1 ready
What a honor! Special guests at the BlindAbilities podcast!!
Our game in App Store
Special price from Turun Yrittäjät yesterday in #Å pitch
Great person and great musician!
How to play video!
Å pitch - Do good, Do business
AudioWizards gameplay trailer & website re-design!
The music competition is over!
Sealing the deal with MonttuVentures!